Augmented Reality (AR)


    Augmented reality (AR) is an enriched system of the existing realityIt is something that provides digital information and content transfer to the physical world. AR augments things that already exist. AR gives us an incredible experience by combining physical world with digital world. It inserts auditory and visual elements of digital world into real world. At this point, it differs from virtual reality. AR is an excellent way to visualize things that would be impossible or impractical to see otherwise. It transforms how you can work, learn, shop, play and connect with the world around you. Like VR, AR can be easily experienced through technological devices such as headsets. It can be experienced with expensive technologies such as Oculus Rift, as well as with very cheap devices such as Google Cardboard. It can even be accessed via smartphones and tablets. For more information on how AR works, you can watch the video below. 👇

