TPACK, or Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge is a model that helps teachers use digital tools and strategies to support innovative teaching and learning. It is designed around the idea that content and pedagogy must be the basis for any technology that teachers plan to use in their classroom to enhance learning. The three domains of TPACK are technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge. Technological Knowledge (TK) represents teachers’ knowledge about the tools, and also the quality of content that students access through apps, websites and games for learning to integrate technology into education. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) is the how teachers’ knowledge of the art and science of teaching from learning theories to instructional design. It includes teaching methods, assessment like project-based learning and instructional strategies like think-pair-share. This knowledge helps teachers design successful learning experiences for each student.
Content Knowledge (CK) is what teachers’ understanding and expertise of the area they teach. It is made up of all the facts, concepts and theories of any given discipline.
The SAMR model provides information on how teachers can effectively integrate educational technology into their teaching. This model consists of four steps and is divided into two main parts. The first main part is enhancement, and it includes substitution and augmentation steps.
Substitution is the first step in integrating technology into education. In this step, any technology used for education is replaced with a new one without seeing any significant change. For example, instead of preparing homework with paper, doing the same work on online platforms such as Google Docs.
Augmentation is the second step. Although it resembles the substitution step, some functional improvements come into play at this step. Teachers use technology more and continuously for more activities (unlike Substitution) to increase the value of the lesson. For example, students can share the files they have prepared on Google Docs with their classmates, so they can view each other's works and leave comments.
Another main part is transformation. It includes modification and redefinition steps. Modification is the third step. At this stage, by using previously used tools and applications, it is ensured that the education material is presented in different formats and presented in a more interactive way. For example, a student can post his / her essay on his / her blog and share it with a wide audience, so that other students can interact with each other by researching online, editing, and commenting on this post. So, this is no longer an essay, this is an article for the world.
Redefinition is the last step in integrating technology into education. In this step, collaborative learning is at the highest level, technology is used to enable entirely new learning opportunities, and students create their own unique products. They can share their products with the whole world using applications such as Google Docs, Youtube, Facebook etc. Thus, the resulting product takes its most ideal shape with the contribution of many people around the world. Therefore, these products are no longer students' own products, but have become common products created with technology.
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