Hi again! I'm going to introduce you a very popular web 2.0 tool called Padlet. 😊
Padlet is a digital board where you can add texts, images, videos, and gifs you want. You can customize the board as you wish, and create your plans and programs on the board. It is a very convenient platform for providing a collaborative space work with your students and conducting interactive lessons. By creating a board, you can ask for instant ideas from your students in the classroom, you can make them use their creativity by doing brainstorming, and many more. You can work on the Padlet board with your students, or you can leave them to work collaboratively with each other.
Also, Padlet is very easy to use. You can quickly become a member by going to https://www.padlet.com/, after signing up you can easily create a board by logging in. By sharing the link of the board you created with Padlet with other people, you enable them to contribute to your board.
With all these features, Padlet is a very useful tool for students and teachers. 👍
You can see the Padlet board that I created below. 👇
By clicking this link, you can access my board and contribute!!
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